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Displays for Connoisseurs cleaners

Here you'll find presentation displays for the Connoisseurs products. Your customers will surely notice them with these.
318x180x80 mm, display for baths, cloths and cleaning pen, printing on boxes: no, plastic, series name: Conoiseurs,
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210x110x235 mm, display for cloths and baths for watches, printing on boxes: no, plastic, series name: Conoiseurs,
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212x155x230 mm, display for cloths and pens, printing on boxes: no, plastic, series name: Conoiseurs,
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80x155x230 mm, display for pens, printing on boxes: no, plastic, series name: Conoiseurs,
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175x127x245 mm, display for backs Lox, plastic, series name: Lox,
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